Tuesday, July 6, 2010

my welcome note....

This blog is one of the many ways I have tried to reach out to the great human civilization beyond the confines of my solitary existence. So here I am. I have some mundane thoughts, some stories of, some pain and yes, my love! Don't you think, these all make me a normal human being as I have already claimed to be? and more so amazing is the fact that I am actually giving evidence of my normality. Coming back to my story I don't really know what makes me different altogether, yet I do believe that, I was pushed into this mortal and boring existence to serve some purpose in the greater scheme of things.The search for the purpose of my life has been relentless yet what I have actually managed is the agony of failure. The woods are really dark and deep and I do understand that I have to miles to go before I sleep, yet in this journey there has to be the green meadows where my mortal being can dive into the reflections of this agonizing journey, there has to be the hope of a beautiful dawn at the end of this long confusing night, there has to be moments when one can cherish the myriad facets of this life, there has to be moments of calmness integrating the mortality of a lonesome being to the immortal being above.

Man is the supreme creation of the super creator yet he is so vulnerable, so weak, so confused that he can actually make devices in the name of science to exterminate the very existence of his own race. The greed has permeated to such an extent that the honest wails of his hapless soul is lost in the mist of his false sense of superiority. He is guzzling oil like never before to fulfill the unending appetite of modern day demons- large factories. He is polluting water, he is polluting land. Lesser mortals are packed off their lands and habitat just for the sake of his demonic ambitions. We as a human being are actually loosing all the traits that made us humane. Earth is being mercilessly raped by her own inhabitants and all of us are content watching this as detached spectators. All the birds and beasts are actually loosing their rights to exist over this planet. Our insanity is growing everyday fueled by our own creation Science!!. We don't wish to come out of the false illusion of security. We don't wish to believe that there is more to life beyond reasons.
Life is much more subtle than the combination of 30000 genes. It has more to it than the quest for outer planetary experiments. We have not yet found the reason for our existence yet we are religiously trying to reason out the existence of others in the solar system and beyond!! I am anguished to find a class fighting day in and out to make ends meet and the other class wasting the carbon footprints in the air conditioned confines of plush rooms. The story has more to it than what actually meets the eye, irrespective of whatever be the no. of geostationary satellites in the orbit no one actually cares to peep into the lives of these less fortunate ones. We always debate over the pertinence modernizing defense hardwares yet no body cares to even talk over the issue when 70% of rural India has no access to safe drinking water!! we are hypocrites when we proclaim ourselves as welfare state.!

1 comment:

  1. the most realistic post is this one...keep on writing..
