Sunday, October 4, 2015

The shadows of my faith

“Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler”- Friedrich Nietzsche

What do you do when effaced with conundrum of thoughts, each rivaling the other, all confusing, rattling your brain in the night dead beyond midnight? Definitely, you can’t sleep and thinking logic is the capacity you lost last summer while jumping off, the cliff of your rationality.

Why this to me, is what I have always wondered, why am I forced to cling on to the drifting rafts every time, scared of every tide of feelings that emerge from the ocean floor. At times I am optimistic, I think almighty has been really kind, for, I still float while the others drowned. I feel good. My faith in the eternity of my yearning to live, tells me that the shore is not far, while at the other I am drifting away to the vast unknown, having accepted my defeat. Every thought is defeated, every inch is lost.

In between there are memories of that childhood friend, with whom I never shared my candy, the girl next door who walked around with the disheveled hair, the crush which got crushed beneath the expectation of perfection. All these appear and vanish, while I cling to the drifting raft floating in the ocean of my thoughts. Indeed, I have to choose, choose the perfect or something which is nearly perfect, or that which is perfect while I drift away. I wonder what forms the shadow- My feelings or my thoughts. The light comes from my faith.

“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't”.- Blaise Pascal

Sunday, May 31, 2015

वो रात कुछ अजीब थी

वो रात कुछ अजीब थी,
कुछ यादों, कुछ बातों को समेटे हुए;
उन उमड़ते जज्बातों को थामे हुए,
उन अनगिनत लम्हों की कश्ती पर सवार I

वो रात कुछ अजीब थी,
जिसमें कुछ पल बीते, कुछ ठहर से गए I
कुछ यूँ गुजरे, के बस, गुज़र से गए-
कुछ यादों, कुछ बातों को समेटे हुए;
उन उमड़ते जज्बातों को थामे हुए,
उन अनगिनत लम्हों की कश्ती पर सवार I

वो रात कुछ अजीब थी,
जहाँ सन्नाटा था, वो दूर मुस्कुराता चाँद था,
और सन्नाटे को चीरती, बेकल लहरों थी-
कुछ यादों, कुछ बातों को समेटे हुए;
उन उमडते जज्बातों को थामे हुए,
उन अनगिनत लम्हों की कश्ती पर सवार I

वो रात कुछ अजीब थी,
जिसमें तुम थी, तुम्हारी बातें थी,
तुम्हारी खुश्बू थी, तुम्हारा साथ था;
जिसमे कुछ पल बीते, कुछ ठहर से गए;
कुछ यूँ गुजरे के बस, गुज़र से गए-
तुम्हारी यादों, तुम्हारी बातों को समेटे हुए;
उन उमडते जज्बातों को थामे हुए,
उन अनगिनत लम्हों की कश्ती पर सवार I

वो रात कुछ अज़ीब थी....